Updated October 31, 2023
Polish Pension Help (PPH) currently has an agreement with the Office of Veterans and Victims of Oppression, known by the Polish acronym “UdSKiOR,” that they will notify us within a fe days of new decisions reached on any applications with which we assist. This will allow us to obtain the scanned decision over email right away, which cuts down the 3 or 4 months it will take for the applicant to receive the decision via international post. PPH will then send the scanned decision to ZUS, the Polish national social security office, which will initiate the payment process pending receipt of the ERK form.
The ERK form is the application that the approved applicant must complete with his banking information so ZUS can commence the quarterly payment.
Once the form is completed, it should be sent to the ZUS branch assigned to the country in which the applicant resides.
ZUS asks that once the applicant receives the official decision from UdSKiOR in the mail that it also be forwarded to their office.
ZUS understands that it can take 3-4 months for that decision to arrive to the approved applicant.
The appropriate branch for the country in which the applicant resides can be found on the ZUS Web site.
An applicant who lives in the US should send the completed forms to:
Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych
I Oddział w Warszawie
Wydział Realizacji Umów Międzynarodowych
ul. Senatorska 6 / 8
01-917 Warszawa
Polska / POLAND
The form and its annotated guide is below:
Form to be completed. (Opens as a PDF)
Annotated guide. (Opens as a PDF)
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via email at contact@polishpensionhelp.org or via our contact form.