The Office of Veterans and Victims of Oppression (known by the Polish acronym “UdSKiOR”) offers a financial assistance to Polish pension beneficiaries apart from the quarterly payment. While there are eligibility requirements, UdSKiOR does not hold to them strictly, and adopts a holistic approach, taking in to account such factors as living situation (alone or with family), health condition, medications needed, age, etc.

Please see the FAQs below.

Who is eligible?

One must first be a recipient of the Polish pension. Then, one must demonstrate true financial need, demonstrated by burdensome medical, cost-of-living or emergency expenses. The applicant does not have to be impoverished but must show that the expenses cause hardship and that he or she has limited financial and social support to assist in meeting them.

How much is it?

As of the date of this writing, the maximum amount is 2,671.44 zlotys, which as of today is approximately $685 USD. See calculator for what this amount is based upon the current exchange rate.

How often can someone apply?

A Polish pension beneficiary can apply twice per calendar year.

How does one apply?

The applicant needs to complete a form and submit the following documents:

    1. proof of expenses (e.g., utilities, rent or mortgage payments, phone or internet, medical or prescription costs, etc.)
    2. proof of income (e.g., Social Security if in the US, other reparations, retirement benefits, interest from investments, etc.)
    3. a letter from a healthcare provider attesting to his or her medical issues

The form is here. Once completed, you can send the form and the accompanying documents mentioned above to us at We will have the documents annotated in Polish and then will send them to UdSKiOR.

How long does the process take?

A decision should be made in 2-3 months.

Has anyone else ever been successful?

Yes. Please see the accompanying case study of an approved applicant. The client’s name has been redacted.

How is the money sent to an approved applicant?

If approved, UdSKiOR will send a bank form to complete and return to them. The money will be sent via wire transfer to your account.

Updated October 27, 2024