Change of bank account, address or name

If you have changed personal information since you initially applied for the Polish pension, it is important to notify ZUS (the national social insurance institute of Poland) so that benefits are not affected.

ZUS requests that it is notified of any of the following changes:

  • Bank account
  • Residential or mailing address
  • Name

You can notify ZUS by filling out the EZZ form here.

In order to process these changes as quickly as possible, ZUS allows the form to be sent electronically, but also requests that the form also be mailed via international post.

The EZZ form can be emailed to ZUS at
However, to ensure that it is received, we recommend that you send us the form at and we will send it to our liaison at ZUS.
We will then confirm receipt with you.

To send the application via international post you can either mail it directly to ZUS at the address below, or else send it to us and we will include it in our regular mailings to ZUS with tracking. If you prefer this option, please let us know at and we will provide you with our mailing address.

The mailing address of ZUS is below:

I Oddział ZUS w Warszawie
Wydział Realizacji Umów Międzynarodowych
Ul. Senatorska 6/8
00-917 Warszawa
Polska / POLAND

If you need any additional help or have further questions, please feel free to contact us at or through our online form here.

Updated July 5, 2024