Polish pension beneficiaries may be eligible for additional financial help

The Office of Veterans and Victims of Oppression, known by the Polish acronym “UdSKiOR,” offers financial help to beneficiaries of the Polish Pension. Currently, this lump-sum payment is equivalent to 2,671.44 złotys, which is as of this date is approximately $700 USD. A beneficiary can apply for such financial assistance twice per calendar year.

UdSKiOR states that it takes a holistic approach to evaluating whether an applicant is eligible for the benefit or not, rather than sticking to rigid financial criteria. Basically, this assistance is for someone with limited monetary and social resources, who has a significant medical or financial need, such as, for example, paying for medical equipment, medication not covered by insurance, an outstanding bill in arrears, etc. This payment is in addition to the quarterly Polish pension.

If your client or family member has a need that you think might qualify him or her for this special payment, we are happy to help with the application. More information has been posted on our Website here.

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