Category Archives: news

Polish pension beneficiaries may be eligible for additional financial help

The Office of Veterans and Victims of Oppression, known by the Polish acronym “UdSKiOR,” offers financial help to beneficiaries of the Polish Pension. Currently, this lump-sum payment is equivalent to 2,671.44 złotys, which is as of this date is approximately $700 USD. A beneficiary can apply for such financial assistance twice per calendar year. UdSKiOR […]

New form to update Poland of change of bank account or address

ZUS, the national insurance institution of Poland which is responsible for the Polish pension payment, has requested that all significant changes that might affect a beneficiary’s payment be reported by completing the EZZ form. Such updates include changes to the beneficiary’s bank account, residential or mailing address, or name. Information about the form as well […]

Heirs eligible for payments owed to beneficiary who dies before quarterly payment date

When a Polish pension beneficiary passes away before the end of a quarter, and his payment is consequently terminated, his or her heir can apply for the months for which the beneficiary would have been paid on the third month of the quarter. ZUS, the Polish national insurance agency, calls this an “unrealized benefit.” For […]

Record increase in 2023 payment

Holocaust survivors who are recipients of the quarterly benefit known colloquially as the “Polish pension” should now be receiving a letter from ZUS, the Polish pension agency, detailing the new payments for this year. Beginning on March 1, 2023, the quarterly payment has increased a record 14.8%. This translates into a new quarterly payment of […]

Special pension for Polish-born survivors over 100 years old

Did you know that Poland offers a monthly pension of over 1,000 USD to Polish citizens who reach the centenarian milestone? You don’t have to live in Poland to obtain it. You just need to be a Polish citizen. Polish Pension Help has been partnering with Polaron, a company that assists individuals with obtaining European […]