Since the worldwide pandemic began early in 2020, international mail has been affected, and consequently many applicants to the Polish pension have not received responses from Poland. If an applicant or his/her family or social worker have sent any correspondence to Poland but did not receive an answer, please see below: Did you send in […]
ZUS, the Polish pension agency, has instituted its annual increase in the allowance as of March 1, 2020. You can find the original letter followed by a translation into English, as well as a chart summarizing the changes here. In summary, as of March, 2019, the total monthly amount of the payment awarded to approved […]
ZUS, the Polish pension agency, has instituted its annual increase in the pension as of March 1, 2019. You can find the original letter followed by a translation into English, as well as a chart summarizing the changes here. In summary, as of March, 2018, the total monthly amount of the payment awarded to approved […]
All pension recipients should have recently received a letter from ZUS informing them of a slight increase in their pension payments. The total amount of increase per quarter is approximately 29.55 zlotys (equivalent as of April 26, 2018 to be about 8.50 USD.) You can find a summary of the change as well as a […]
The New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) recently updated its legal memo on the effect of Holocaust reparations on U.S. federal benefits and entitlement programs, such as, for example, Medicaid. This most recent version, updated November, 2017, states that, like most German restitution payments, the Polish pension is exempt from being counted as either income […]
ZUS, the Social Insurance Agency in Poland which is responsible for sending out Polish pension payments, has been sending out letters that there will be a small, permanent increase in pension payments. The increase was put into effect on March 1, 2017, and so is reflected in the last quarterly payment, which arrived on or about […]
Website has been updated! The Polish Pension Help Website has been updated to reflect a clearer understanding of the application process gained in the past year as well as changes that have taken place since the pension’s creation. Specifically, we have tried to clarify the way the process works, and give as much agency as […]
Recently, some applicants to the Polish pension have been asked to send in a letter to Poland granting them permission to make an inquiry with the Claims Conference. This is in stark contrast to a previous statement from UDSKiOR (The Office of Veterans and Victims of Oppression) that “reparations from German institutions is not a […]
Please note that an important change has been made to the annotated guide to filling out the ZUS-RZ-DKK-01 form. Page 5, Section 2.1 should only be completed by those outside the USA. Page 6, Section 2.2 should only be completed by those within the USA. Those who are applying from within the USA should only […]
For those who sent in applications 4-5 months ago and more, we have posted an unofficial letter of inquiry to send to Poland. This letter can be used to inquire about the status of an application. Please note that this letter is not an official letter from the Office of War Veterans and Victims of […]